Upper lid (blepharoplasty)

What is an Upper Lid Blepharoplasty?

Upper Lid Blepharoplasty is a form of surgery which repairs droopy eyelids and can involve the removal of excess skin, muscle and fat. As you get older, your eyelids continue to stretch and the surrounding muscles which support them start to weaken. This can lead to a gathering of excess fat around the eyelids, causing drooping in the upper lids and laxity in the eyebrows.

This sagging skin around the eyes can make you look older, whilst also potentially reducing your peripheral vision.

An Upper Lid Blepharoplasty aims to reduce or eliminate altogether these issues, giving you a rejuvenated, younger appearance, as well as clearer vision.

Am I the right candidate for an Upper Lid Blepharoplasty?

An Upper Lid Blepharoplasty is best suited to anyone who has noticed excess tissue around the upper eyelid area which is either affecting your vision or your self-esteem. If you have noticed that your peripheral vision is starting to suffer or are worried about the affects of ageing on your face then an Upper Lid Blepharoplasty could be the procedure for you.

How does an Upper Lid Blepharoplasty work?

Skin and excess fat are removed from the upper lids. The resulting scars are placed within the skin creases and usually fade well over subsequent weeks and months. The tightening of the skin does not obliterate all the lines in the area. The operation can be done under a local anaesthetic and you can leave to recuperate at home on the same day

Why choose Bristol Plastic Surgery?

Situated in the beautiful Georgian buildings of the prestigious Queen’s Square, Bristol Plastic Surgery is a partnership of consultant aesthetic plastic surgeons of international standing. With our state-of-the-art clinical facilities, we provide the full choice of cosmetic surgery procedures as well as a rapid access clinic for the diagnosis and treatment or skin cancer, minor benign moles and other simple skin growths. Bristol Plastic Surgery surgeons also have extensive experience in reconstructive plastic surgery.

We have the highest aesthetic standards and aim for a pleasing, safe and complication-free outcome from our Upper Lid Blepharoplasty procedure. A consultation with an empathetic surgeon will provide important personal counselling. Please use the following information in conjunction with that advice.

How much does an Upper Lid Blepharoplasty cost?

Bilateral upper blepharoplasties under local anaesthetic as an outpatient = £2555.00

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    Before surgery

    Before undergoing this type of surgery, it is very important that you do not take Aspirin or rheumatic-type drugs like Brufen or Nurofen for at least a week before the operation. Should you currently be prescribed these drugs by your GP then please check with him/her whether you can stop taking these safely. These medicines alter the clotting of the blood and make bleeding after the operation more likely. Even one tablet can affect the clotting of the blood for up to ten days before an operation. It is also advisable to avoid Gingko Biloba products.

    Patients on oral contraception and HRT should ideally stop for six weeks prior to surgery as there is an increased risk of thrombosis and start again six weeks after surgery. During this period alternative forms of contraception are required.


    Smokers have a much higher risk of developing complications. It is very important therefore that patients stop smoking and the use of nicotine supplements for six weeks before and after surgery. Smoking significantly increases the risk of wound infections and breakdown.


    As with any operation, there is always a risk of infection. This is extremely uncommon around the eyes. The scars tend to become red, raised and itchy over a period of six to eight weeks and then should settle over the subsequent months. However, with all operations there can be problems with infection in the wounds and wound scar hypertrophy, when the scars become lumpy and may remain raised for up to eighteen months. The risks of wound infection are small (approximately 1%), but this is something you should bear in mind and if this occurs, the final scar may stretch.

    I try to leave the lids symmetrical after removal of fat and skin from both eyes. Very occasionally, this may leave the eyes feeling very tight after surgery, with more white of the eye showing or even with the lower lid turning outwards slightly. If this persists, skin may rarely have to be reintroduced into the eyelids.

    Some patients have some dryness of the eyes after surgery due to decreased tear production. Again the risk of this is small.

    There is a very small risk of blindness with any operation or accident around the eye. This risk is in the region of 1 in 12,000. When you are in the recovery area your eyes will be checked. The reasons for the loss of sight are poorly understood and may be due to either a blood clot behind the eye or reflex spasm within one of the blood vessels supplying the central nerve of the eye. If this does occur, the loss of vision may be permanent.